Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution based on new hybrid approach methods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of GIS/RS, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Environmental and Forest Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resource and Environment, Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



The important issue regarding underground water resources is to know the extent of groundwater pollution, which leads to the management of areas prone to pollution. Groundwater vulnerability assessment can play a vital role in protecting, exploiting and prioritizing areas for controlling and using preventive plans. Due to the nature of the area, agricultural activities and nitrate increase, the DRASTIC method needs to be modified. The aim of the current research is to modify the weights of the DRASTIC model, which is considering the importance of modifying the ranking and the effect of weighting methods in the Yasouj aquifer.The frequency ratio framework was used to calibrate the DRASTIC index rates. Then, the weight correction of DRASTIC parameters was done in two stages of research, the first stage includes Shannon entropy and SPSA methods and the second stage includes BWM (Best Worst Method) and SWARA (Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) methods. Therefore, nine frames including FR_DRASTIC, DRASTIC_Entropy, DRASTIC_SPSA, DRASTIC_SWARA, DRASTIC_BWM, FR_Entropy, FR_SPSA, FR_BWM, FR_SWARA were obtained. The nitrate concentration of the well samples was used to validate the vulnerability indicators. Validation was done by ROC Curve method. FR_SWARA performed better than other methods with the area under the curve of 0.80.


Main Subjects

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