Guide for Authors

In The name of God


Types of Articles

 Journal of Water and Irrigation Management (JWIM) evaluates Original Research Papers, Review Papers and Technical Notes in fields of groundwater and surface water resources management, agricultural water supply or demand management, field water management, irrigation and drainage networks management, and surface runoff management and publishes them if approved. All papers publish in Persian with English abstract.



 Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.


Article Processing Charges (APCs) Information

 According to initial review of the manuscript by the Editor-in-Chief, manuscripts that do not fit the scope of this journal will be fast rejected. There are no charges for fast rejected articles and no submission charges. The submitted manuscripts that fit the scopes and the format of this journal will enter the review process. Before the review process, the author(s) will be requested to pay 2,000,000 Rials non-refundable fee for the review process. When the manuscript is accepted, the other 4,000,000 Rials will be received from author(s) to cover some of the publication cost.

 Please note that the status of the uploaded payment receipt in the system must be "successful".


 Preparation of Manuscripts



 Main text: B Lotus of 12 pt. font


Titles: B Zar Bold of 12 pt. font


English text: Times New Roman of 10 pt. font


The caption (title) of figures and tables: Times New Roman of 10 pt. font


The texts inside the figures and tables in English: Times New Roman Bold of 8pt. font


Text Format


- Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word 2007 or higher with 2 cm margin at each side in one column.


- Use the Microsoft Equation Editor to write mathematical formulas. Please don't use special software in this area.


- The maximum number of acceptable pages for all types of articles is 15 pages.


- The article's topic should be related to the scopes of the journal.


- Provide the caption (title) of the tables, figures and theirs contents in English.


- It is recommended to avoid using alien words as much as possible.


- Please note that the corresponding author of the article must be a member of the faculty, and the article must be submitted by him/her.


- Scientific words, materials and other English terms should be written in Persian in the text of the article, and their English equivalent must be provided in the footnotes section.


- Use "Percent" word instead of "%" in the text of the manuscript, Persian abstract and English abstract (excluding tables and figures).


- Persian abstract and English abstract should be presented in two separate pages at the beginning and the end of the article, respectively.


- Equations and formulas must be consecutively numbered. Theirs numbers should be located in parentheses in the righthand margin. For example: (1)


- Use SI unit system in the manuscript (text, equations, figures and tables)


- Observe the principles of punctuation.


- Insert indent at the beginning of each paragraph.


- Manuscripts must be provided in different paragraphs. For example, don't present the introduction in one paragraph.


 Submission requirements


Please make sure you submit following files:


- Manuscript main file:  This file must be submitted in Word format without authors’ name. Manuscripts that authors' name are included in the file will be sent back to authors for revision and resubmission.


- Copyright form: Click here to download this form. According to this form, author(s) should ensure that the submitted research work has not been published before, and it is not under consideration for publication in any other journals. Furthermore, the authors retain proprietary rights with the exception of the rights transferred to the publisher under the present agreement. This form must sign by all authors. Signature on behalf of other authors is not acceptable. If you do not have access to other members, use the scanned signature in the file.



- Conflict of interest form: Click here to download this form. This is an agreement which represents that all authors have committed to ethical standards.


- Title page: This file must contain following information for all authors in English and Persian:


  • A concise and informative title
  • The name(s) of the author(s)
  • The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e., institution, (department), city, country
  • Active e-mail address and telephone of the authors


 - Please note that the order of the authors' names on the copyright form and the title page must follow the order of their names on the journal website.


 Manuscript Structure


Articles publish in Persian with English abstract. Besides, figures, tables and their caption must present in English. Manuscript should be composed of the following items:


Persian Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (optional), Footnotes, Conflict of Interest, References, English Title, English Abstract and English Keywords.




 The title must be concise and informative and should not exceed 15 characters. Please do not use abbreviations in the title of the article and abstract except in the case of standard scales.


 Abstract and Keywords


- Provide abstract in maximum 250 words. Please delete the names and specifications of the authors in the English and Persian abstracts.


- The abstract should represent the problem, purpose, method and results of the research work in one paragraph. Present keywords at the following of the abstract.


- Write 4 to 6 keywords with English equivalents (inserted in the English abstract) in alphabetical order (in Persian and English).


- The words in the title of the article should not be repeated in the keywords.


- You should begin the first letter of a word with capital letter for English keywords.




The Introduction should state the purpose of the work described and give a short review of the pertinent literature. It should be noted that new scientific findings must be used in this section.


 Materials and Methods


This section describes how to conduct research (including the study area, used materials, evaluation methods, statistical design and statistical analysis of data).


 Results and Discussion


The results of the research can be provided as tables and figures. Present the analysis of the results in the text. Some simple results can be presented inside the text without providing a table or figure. It is required that you compare the results of your research with the results of other researches. As far as possible, the conformity or differences between your research results and other research in this field should be examined. Then, the applications of the research results and its main inference in the form of a general conclusion should be presented.


 Tables and Figures


Each table or figure must have a specific caption (title). The captions should be as clear as possible and represent the content of the table or figure. The captions of all tables, figures and their contents should be presented in English. Please note that only the first word of the tables/figures caption and their contents should begin with capital letters in English.


- All figures and tables are to be numbered consecutively.


- Figures or tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.


- Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).


- To write the caption of the table or figure, a dot must be written after mentioning the word Table/Figure and its number, and then the caption of the table or figure must be provided. For example, use "Table 1. Caption" for tables and "Figure 1. Caption" for figures.


- Figures and tables must be located next to the relevant text in the manuscript.


- Captions must be presented above the table and below the figure (center).


- Delete vertical lines inside the text of the tables.


- Each column of the table must have specific title and its unit. If all columns have the same unit, present relevant unit in the table caption.


- Abbreviations, such as *, can be used in the text of the table to express additional explanations in each table. By showing its symbol and relevant explanations below the table, provide the required information to the reader.


- Figures and images should be completely clear.



 If you include figures that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that Journal will not be able to refund any costs that may have occurred to receive these permissions. In such cases, material from other sources should be used.




Includes the most important research achievements and suggestions.


Acknowledgments (optional)


Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.




If the authors have an invention related to the research, they should provide inventor's name, title of the invention, registration number and the date of the invention registration in a separate section.


 Accessibility to Data

 If there are other ways to access information and data from the author(s) of the research, the relevant email address or website should be provided in this section.


Conflict of Interest

 If no conflict exists, conflict of interest statement must be placed at the manuscript as below:


"The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript".




Footnotes to the text consecutively are numbered and presented in a separate section before the references list.



 Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also presented in the reference list at the end of the manuscript (and vice versa). All references cited in the text and the references list should be provided in English and APA reference format. If you cite Persian references, the English name of the researchers along with equivalent Gregorian date must be noted in the text of the manuscript. According to the following instructions, the English equivalent of the relevant reference should be provided in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. Then, add the phrase “(In Persian)” to the end of the reference.



 Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Some examples are as follows:


- In a study by Larsen and Simon (1993) ….


- According to the Iran Ministry of Energy (2018) report …


- Ropero et al. (2017) indicated that …


- These results were confirmed by Ehsani (2015).


- This effect has been widely studied (Giannecchini et al., 2007; Huang and Yuin, 2010; Ni, 2015).


Reference List


The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Please note that references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript, and only the first word of the title of articles, books or reports should begin with capital letters. They must be consecutively numbered. References should be listed in the following format:


- Journal Papers


Daneshfaraz, R., Hasanniya, V., Mirzaei, R., & Bazyar, A. (2020). Experimental investigating effect of positive slope of the horizontal screen on hydraulic characteristics of vertical drop. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research50(10), 2499-2509. (In Persian).


Loheide, S. P., & Booth, E. G. (2011). Effects of changing channel morphology on vegetation, groundwater, and soil moisture regimes in groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Geomorphology126(3-4), 364-376.


 - Book


Cushing, C. E., & Allan, J. D. (2001). Streams: Their ecology and life. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.


Takahashi, T., & Das, D. K. (2014). Debris flow: mechanics, prediction and countermeasures. London: CRC press.


 - Thesis


Liang, T. G. (2013). Trading and economic efficiency in selected Victorian water markets in Australia. Doctoral dissertation, Murdoch University, Australia.


- Report


Gray, T. & Tracey, D. (2016). Implementing a trauma informed framework in a disability non-government organization: Research report. Retrieved from Centre for Educational Research, School of Education, Western Sydney University, website:


 Australian Communications and Media Authority. (2011). Enduring concepts: communications and media in Australia. Retrieved from


 - Conference Papers


Banihabib, M. E. & Laghabdoost-Arani, A. (2014). Multicriteria Decision-Making for Flood Management Based on Sustainable Development Criteria. In: Proceeding of 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), 17 June, Brigham Young University, San Diego, California, USA, 1659-1666.


 Important Notice


- All manuscripts are screened for plagiarism by the “Hamtajoo” plagiarism detection tool at the primary processing stage. Manuscripts with plagiarism will be rejected.


- Please do not select your suggested reviewers from your own organization.


- Manuscript main file and other submitted files are kept in the journal archive and can’t be returned.


- Manuscripts that don't set according to the submission guideline will not be sent for peer-review process.


- Authors are strongly advised to ensure the correct order of authors at submission. Changes of authorship by adding or deleting authors, and changes in the sequence of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.


- To improve the quality of the article and resolve possible mistakes, it is recommended that the authors ask their colleagues to read manuscript for addressing possible shortcomings before submitting an article to this journal.






Publication system of scientific journals of the university of Tehran: