Numerical investigation of the effect of different plunges on the flow hydraulic parameters in multiple rectangular lopac gates by using Flow3D

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Water Structures, Faculty of Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, IRAN.

2 Department of Water Structures, Faculty of Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz , IRAN.



One of the suggested ways to increase the quality of water distribution and transfer is to use lopac gates. In this research, rectangular multiple lopac gates have been used and the hydraulic parameters of the current have been investigated by numerical simulation and compared with the single gate state. The simulations have been performed in three discharges of 25, 35, and 45 liters per second and three openings of 35, 40, and 45 degrees, and three absorptions of 70, 80, and 90% in Flow3d software and with the RNG turbulence model. By examining the stage-discharge curve, it can be seen that the permeability coefficient is higher in all absorptions in the two-gate state than in the single-gate state. Investigating the maximum speed of the results showed that this parameter has the opposite relationship with the amount of absorption, as the absorption increases, the maximum speed decreases, which is an 7.87% reduction in the two-gate state compared to the single-gate state. In the investigation of the maximum turbulent energy, the results showed that the turbulent energy has a direct relationship with the discharge and has an inverse relationship with the absorption rate, so, with the increase of absorption, the turbulent energy decreases, which will be 13% in the two-gate state compared to the single-gate state. By qualitatively investigating the flow vortices, the results showed that the vortices in the single-gate state have more strength and elongation than the two-gate state. Also, by investigating the results, it was found that the elongation and vortices strength decrease with the increase in absorption percentage.


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