Multi-objective Optimization of Water Resource Systems of Jarreh and Marun Dams Using NSGA-II Algorithm

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former M. Sc. Student of Irrigation and Drainage, Department of Water Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Water Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


Irregular withdrawals from water resources followed by the increase of the area of under cultivation lands and the construction of Marun and Jarahi Dams on upstream rivers of the Shadegan Wetland have led to severe hydrological changes as well as increased salinity of the wetland inflow in some periods. The aim of this study is to develop a simulator-optimizer coupling model for proper planning and management of resource allocation to the upstream of Shadegan Wetland. In addition to maximizing the supply of basin demands during the operation period, this model tries to decrease the salinity of inflow to Shadegan Wetland. Due to the importance of the wetland as a seasonal habitat for birds and also one of the important tourist attractions and Importance of Protecting the Ecosystem, the development of a quantitative-qualitative optimization model for optimal use of available water resources is the aim of this study. First, based on current conditions, the prepared model is developed as a reference scenario for a future 30-year period (2021 to 2050). To achieve the best system efficiency in terms of quality and quantity, the optimization is performed by means of the NSGA-II algorithm. The results indicate that the optimizer model performs appropriately in supplying various demands and also decreasing the salinity of the inflow to Shadegan Wetland compared to the reference scenario so that in addition to supplying the demands with more than 92% reliability in the whole system, it is expected that the salinity of the river at the entrance to Shadegan Wetland to be reduced by about 50%., especially in low water months. The coupling model proposed in this research is applicable for other study areas with quantitative-qualitative exploitation approach and is able to detect critical points of rivers in terms of quantity and quality. This model has also the capability of providing optimal solutions for improving river conditions as well as downstream ecosystems.


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